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The Clipper is the Omnia ONE’s final limiting stage.
Here is where the
Omnia ONE’s loudness versus quality
advantage is most evident! The main clipper is a very powerful algorithm, is highly over-sampled, and is fully anti-
Clip Drive
Clip Drive
control controls the depth of clipping in precise 0.1dB steps over a +/-6 dB range.
This is the primary control over the “loudness vs. distortion” tradeoff. It is advisable to make
minor changes, primarily as the 'loudness fine tuner'. Be careful! There is a lot of available power
We sug
gest that each time you try a new factory preset, you adjust the Clip Drive as follows: Start
with the default setting for a preset and adjust it down in 0.5 dB steps until the loudness just drops
below the desired level and then bring it up slightly from there. This should be the optimum
setting for your station and market.
Clip Silk
This control adjusts the texture of the main clipper when the clipper is handling significant mid
and upper midrange program material such as solo electric guitar, etc. We've brought out a hidden
control from the distortion-canceling algorithm to allow you to make subtle tradeoffs in how the
final clipper texture sounds. Higher numbered settings (clockwise) soften (or silken) the sound of
the clipping at higher frequencies, with only a slight reduction in brightness on some material. The
sound of clipping low frequency material (<2Khz) is largely unaffected.
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Adjust Processing
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Processing menu