mechanical heart valves. PEMF products are also contraindicated
during pregnancy and in people with epilepsy or bleeding. PEMF
therapy is also contraindicated for: organ transplant recipients or
those on immunosuppressive therapy and those with non-MRI-safe
IUDs. Patients should tell their physicians when they are thinking about
using NeoRhythm Pad* with conventional medical treatment. This
information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you
have or suspect a medical problem, please consult your healthcare
provider. Content generated or found through MDCN TECH LTD
services or products is for informational purposes only and is not
intended to replace the relationship between you and your physician
or other healthcare providers. MDCN TECH LTD is not a licensed
medical or healthcare provider and has no expertise in diagnosing,
examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind.