About the Internet and Wireless IP
Wireless IP Network
The Wireless IP Network is part of the global Internet. You can use your Minstrel V modem to access just about any
computer system, database, or information that is connected to the Internet, using the appropriate application
software such as an e-mail client, Web Browser, or News Reader. The diagram below shows the relationship
between the Wireless IP Network and the Internet.
The Internet is an international network of computer networks. All of these networks are connected by a
communication system that encompasses complex systems of wire and fiber-optic cable.
In browsing the WWW a person logs onto the Internet from their computer and actively searches and requests web
pages from a website to view on their computer.
You can now view graphic images and photographs, animations, sound recordings, and audio/visual presentations or
movies. You can, of course, receive or download onto your computer harddrive data such as computer files or even
entire computer programs.
The web sites that you request each have a specific and unique address. Each document on a web site is identified
by an address composed of the name of the computer, which stores the document, and that document's location in
the computer.