Chapter 4: System Cable Installation
This driver has overtemperature protection, shorted load protection, and is current limiting. If
there is an output short or other over-current condition, the affected output of the driver integ-
rated circuit turns OFF until the condition is removed.
The outputs are accessed through direct connection to the XIO connector. Optionally, use the
XIO Termination Block. See the documentation supplied with the termination block for details.
High Power Indicator Output Assignment
Output 8 can be assigned to indicate the robot's high power state. When high power is
enabled, this output will turn ON. When high power is not enabled, this output will be OFF.
Use Sysmac Studio to make this configuration if needed.
4.3 Connecting the 24 VDC Cable to the Robot
Power requirements for the user-supplied power supply vary depending on the configuration
of the robot and connected devices. A 24 VDC, 6 A power supply is recommended to allow for
startup current draw from connected user devices, such as solenoids and digital I/O loads.
Additional Information
: Refer to External Connection Specifications on page
132 for more information about 24 VDC power requirements.
24 VDC Power Supply Connector
The cable and accessory box that came with your system contains the 24 VDC power supply
connector and two pins. Use the following figure to determine the pin arrangement.
Additional Information
: Refer to Power Connector Specifications on page 144 for
more information.
Figure 4-9. 24 VDC Mating Connector Pin Arrangement
Making the 24 VDC Power Supply Cable
Use the following procedure to make a 24 VDC cable.
Additional Information
: The 24 VDC cable is not supplied with the system, but
is available in the optional Power Cable kit (part number 04120-000) Refer to
Basic System Cable Layout on page 61 for more information. See Figure 4-11.
1. Locate the connector and pins.
2. Use 2.08-1.31 mm
wire to create the 24 VDC cable. Select the wire length to safely reach
22792-000 Rev. A
iX3 565 Robot with EtherCAT User’s Manual