Section 3-1
This section discusses the operational aspects of using the PROFIBUS-DP
Gateway to Host Link/Compoway-F Unit and the configuration software. The
section has been setup, to follow the general process flow of setting up and
configuring a network, downloading the configuration, and operating the
PROFIBUS network, the Compoway-F network or the Host Link network.
The PROFIBUS master can communicate with the Gateway with fixed com-
munication block and with free communication blocks.
In case Error messages are displayed, while using CX-Profibus, refer to the
appropriate manual for more information on errors.
The maximum number of devices is 15.
The maximum of modules is 18. This number consists of 15 fixed communica-
tion blocks, 1 write, 1 read and 1 operation free communication block.
PROFIBUS communication
As mentioned in the previous chapter there are two ways of PROFIBUS com-
munication. Communication with fixed communication blocks and free com-
munication blocks.
Fixed communication
Fixed communication blocks are pre-defined blocks of data to be read/written
from/to a device. Fixed communication blocks are not adjustable. The most
common data can be read/written by using fixed communication blocks.
Free communication
Free communication blocks are sent directly to the slave device of the Gate-
way. The Gateway does not interfere with the data. With free communication
blocks it is possible to read/ write data which is not possible to read/write with
fixed communication blocks.
The maximum amount of PROFIBUS data the PRT1-SCU11 Gateway can
handle is 200 bytes input data and 200 bytes output data. If more capacity is
needed an extra slave device is required.
The I/O data words are sent in Big Endian format, i.e. the high byte is sent