TM Conveyor Tracking
Software version: TMflow 1.76
4.3.3 CVCircle Node
CVCircle Node is a circular motion setting node under Conveyor main thread, used
for specific applications, such as a gluing operation where a circular part is placed on
a moving linear conveyor.
Set the movement path circular
angle according to the established arc.
Set the degrees for the movement path
based on the arc established by the
Set the steps for objects that pass
the sensor on the conveyor (Re-teach is
not necessary if the object remains in the
same position under CVPoint and
Get Point:
Set CVCircle point. (P1
starting point, P2 midpoint, and P3 end
point). Similar to CVPoint, the only
difference is that three different points
need to be set to form an arc.
The remaining setting of the CVCircle is
the same as the CVPoint.
Figure 16 CVCircle