■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■
Red light does not blink
Replace batteries with 2 fresh, new
when you press a key?
AAA/LRO3 alkaline batteries.
Make sure you are using new
does not respond after
batteries and are aiming the
pressing a key?
ONE FOR ALL at your device.
The ONE FOR ALL does
A) Try all the codes listed for your brand
not operate your
B) Try the search method on page 10.
Your brand is not listed
Try the search method on page 10.
in the ONE FOR ALL
code section?
When following the set-
Did you use the Code Lock feature?
up instructions, the red
You must first unlock the code before
light on the ONE FOR ALL entering a new code. Follow the
only blinks once instead
instructions on page 19 to do this.
of twice after you enter a
three-digit code?
You may be using the wrong code.
is not preforming
Start the search method over
commands properly?
again to locate the proper code.
Press a key but get the
Hold MAGIC until the red light blinks
wrong result?
twice, then press 992 and the device key
twice. You will need to set-up your
device again. Try the codes for brand
or the search method on page 10.
You cannot control the
Hold MAGIC until red light blinks twice
volume feature of your
Then press 993 and VOL+. To set the
Satellite, Cable Con-
volume control back to TV (Punch-
verter or TV/Video
Through), hold Magic until the red
combination OR
light blinks twice, then press 993 TV.
you cannot control the
volume of the TV set
up on the AUX key?
Problems changing
Enter the programme number exactly
as you would on your original remote.
Video not recording?
As a safety feature on your ONE FOR
ALL, you must press the Record key
twice .
Scan does not work on
Make sure your original remote had a
your device?
pro/- key.