To activate the snooze function, Press the SNOOZE/LIGHT while the alarm sounds. If the snooze
function is activated, alarm symbol is flashing. The alarm repeats after 5 minutes. Press any
(other) button to stop.
Min. & Max. Values
Press + for displaying indoor/outdoor max./min. of temperature and humidity.
Temperature Alert
If you have more than one outdoor sensors in use (and within reach): Press CHANNEL to
show the desired outdoor unit‘s values on the display.
Press and hold the „-“ button to activate the temperature alert setup, then select ON/OFF
when flashing.
Press MODE. The upper limit temperature (MAX) value flashes. Use +/- to adjust, then
press MODE to confirm.
Repeat the procedure for setting the MIN temperature value.
A corresponding icon indicates temperature alerts when activated.
Activate/deactivate temperature alert
Press and hold the key “-“ to set the temperature alert on or off.
A corresponding icon indicates temperature alerts when activated.
Please note:
A temperature alert can be set-up for each channel. The set-up process
cannot be completed if the maximum temperature selected is lower than the minimum
selected temperature. The minimum temperature selected must at least be 1°C below the
maximum selected temperature.