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Isolate/Pair Whip(s) to Remote Control
The remote controller is universal by default, which means one can control multiple whips via a single remote control. In the case in which the user experiences the whips
being controlled by other users nearby or in the case which the whips experiences radio frequency interference causing it to be unresponsive to the remote
controller, one can isolate/pair any given number of whips to a single remote controller. Below are the steps on how this can be done.
Connect the whips to be isolated/paired to a remote controller to power and ground.
Press and hold the DEMO button for 5 seconds to pair the remote to the whip(s).
Press and hold the MODE button for 5 seconds to unpair the remote to the whip(s).
If successful, the whip(s) would flash for a brief second.
Proceed with testing the function of the whip(s) via the newly programmed remote controller.
ON/OFF Button
Speed Selector
To turn the LED whip on or off
Whip has memory recall and
will always resume the last
known color/mode it was at
when turned off
Color Selector
To quick select a color of
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Teal,
Magenta, and White
Demo Mode
Advance the LED whip to mode: RGB with Pause
To increase or decrease the
flash rate or the rate of
color change
Mode Selector
Color Selector
To cycle through
the different colors
Intensity Selector
To increase or decrease the intensity of the LED lights
1. Flash with Fade - Red
2. Flash with Fade - Green
3. Flash with Fade - Blue
4. Flash with Fade - Magenta
5. Flash with Fade - Yellow
6. Flash with Fade - Teal
7. Flash with Fade - White
8. RGB with Pause
9. RGB Continuous
10. 7 Color Continuous
11. Flash with Pause - Red
12. Flash with Pause - Green
13. Flash with Pause - Blue
14. Flash with Pause - Yellow
15. Flash with Pause - Magenta
16. Flash with Pause - Teal
17. Flash with Pause - White
18. 6 Color Morph (No White)
19. 7 Color Morph with White
20. RGB with Fade
21. 7 Color with Fade
To cycle through the different modes
Remote Control: