HOBO U30 Station (NRC) User’s Guide
Adding a New Sensor
New sensors will only be recognized by the HOBO U30 Station when it is
not logging. If you attempt to add a sensor while the logger is recording data,
it will be ignored. Logging will continue normally for all other sensors
already plugged in.
Smart Sensors
To add new Smart Sensors:
Using HOBOware Pro, stop the logger from logging
Readout the data from the logger.
: All existing data will be lost when you re-launch
the logger.
Plug in any new Smart Sensors.
Re-launch the logger.
The new Smart Sensors should start recording measurements.
Analog Sensors
To add new sensors to the Analog Sensor Port:
Connect the HOBO U30 Station to a computer via the USB cable.
In HOBOware Pro, select Stop Logging.
Readout the data from the logger.
: All existing data will be lost when you re-launch
the logger.
Connect the new sensors to the Analog Sensor Port.
Configure Analog Sensor Port for the new sensor.
Re-launch the logger.
The new sensors should start recording measurements.
HOBO U30 Station (NRC) User’s Guide
Removing or Replacing Sensors
If you remove a Smart Sensor while the HOBO U30 Station is logging, the
Logging LED will blink red, and the logger will record erroneous data for
that channel and continue logging as normal for the remaining Smart
Sensors. This behavior will continue even if you plug the Smart Sensor back
in, or if you plug in a new one of the same type. To stop recording erroneous
data after removing a Smart Sensor, you will need to stop, readout, and re-
launch the HOBO U30 Station.
If you are replacing a Smart Sensor with a new one of the same type, you
will need to re-launch the HOBO U30 Station once the new Smart Sensor is
installed. The HOBO U30 Station can continue logging until you stop,
readout, and re-launch it with the new Smart Sensor.
You can remove analog sensors from the optional Analog Sensor Port or
replace them with new analog sensors of the exact same type in the same
channel without having to stop the logger. However, in the case that you are
changing the type of sensor, you will need to reconfigure the Analog Sensor
Port using HOBOware Pro, which will require you to stop the logger.