The temperature alarm is not activated by default.
Activate the temperature alarm as follows:
Create a new contact and name it ”TEMP”.
In the telephone number field write ”1” if you want an alarm if the
temperature drops
5 degrees C or write “2” if you want the alarm
when the temperature rises
5 degrees C.
The unit will send an SMS alarm to all the telephone numbers on the alarm list if the
temperature drops below/rises above 5 degrees C.
The function is deactivated by removing TEMP contact from the SIM card.
Setting alternative trigging temperature for the temperature alarm
You can set an alternative temperature of your choice for the temperature alarm.
The alarm does not have to be acknowledged. The unit cannot send another
temperature alarm before it has changed more than one degree from set alarm
If the alarm is set to alarm when it drops below temperature X it will
not send another alarm before it has risen
X+1 degrees.
If the alarm is set to alarm when it rises above temperature X it will not
send another alarm before it has dropped
X-1 degrees.
Create a new contact and name it ”DEGREE”.
Write the alarm temperature in the telephone number field. If
the alarm temperature is below zero degrees Celsius, add
zero (“0”) before the temperature. For example; minus 7
degrees C is written as “07”.
Create a new contact and name it ”TEMP”.
In the telephone number field write ”1” if you want an alarm
if the temperature drops
the alarm temperature given
in “DEGREE” or write “2” if you want the alarm when the
temperature rises
the alarm temperature.
The unit will send an SMS alarm to all the telephone numbers on the alarm list if the
temperature drops below/rises above the set alarm temperature.
The function is deactivated by removing TEMP contact from the SIM card.