Locking another telephone to prevent
unauthorized use
If configured (consult your Administrator), you can lock and unlock ot-
her telephones to prevent unauthorized access.
If a phone user locks his or her phone and forgets the PIN code, you
can use this function to unlock the phone again.
Open the menu
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the internal phone number of the phone you wish to lock/unlock.
Confirm the option shown.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Saving your PIN code
Enter a PIN code to select the functions
• for locking the telephone to prevent unauthorized use
• for using another telephone like your own
You can save this code.
Open the menu
Confirm the option shown.
Enter the current five-digit code.
If you have not yet set a PIN, use "00000" the first time.
Enter the new code.
Re-enter the new code.
*943=Telephone Lock?
*=lock phone?
#=unlock phone?
*93=Change PIN?
If you forget your code, consult your Administrator, who can re-
set your code to "00000".