UC Series User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. , LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn
To upload a CSV with the extensions you want to create, click on
button, select the
CSV file and click on "Upload CSV File" button.
Make sure the following indications are taken into account:
Duplicated extensions are not allowed.
The first line of the CSV file must contain the headers of the columns.
The file must have at minimum four columns.
This type of file can be created and opened with any text editor or spreadsheets such as Open
Office Calc, Excel, etc.
The separator of the columns is the comma. Ring Groups
A ring group is a group of extensions that will ring when there is an external incoming call. You can
even put your Mobile Phone number in the ring group if you want to. For the mobile phone to work,
you must have the appropriate route and trunk set up.
You may not want a ring group – it’s entirely up to you. If you don’t require a ring group, you may
ignore this section.
When there is an incoming call to the ring group, the phones nominated in the selected group will
ring. You may select different ring group for each of the incoming trunk or you may nominate the
same group for all the trunks, in which case you will only need to define only one ring group.
The ring group screen is illustrated below:
Figure 2-2-3 Ring groups interface