StarBright User Manual
Points to Consider
Before using the StarBright Laser Power/Energy Meter, consider the following points:
What is the specific laser you need to measure? Which sensor is suitable for this laser? Do you
need to measure laser power or laser energy?
What range and other measurement parameters do you need to set for your particular laser
(for example, laser wavelength, energy threshold, pulse length, and so on)?
What other instrument settings do you need to configure? Do you use the analog output and if
so, is it configured correctly for your needs?
How would you like to display the measurement data, as a bargraph, analog needle, or some
other format? Do you need real-time statistics or pass/fail tracking?
StarBright will help you implement the answers to these questions. The following chapters
describe the measurement functionality of the various sensor types, the graphical displays of the
StarBright meter, as well as the data logging and math processing capabilities that make the
StarBright meter the complete answer to your measurement needs.