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The scope of supply includes the following files:
GSD file
The following file is required for communication between converter and control:
• GSD (General Station Description):
In this file, the communication functions are described. Apart from general
definitions (such as manufacturer name, device name, hardware, software,
transfer rate), it contains the master configuration (i.e. all parameters which only
apply to the master, such as the maximum number of slaves to be connected or
upload and download options) and the slave configuration (all slave-specific
indications such as the definition of diagnosis texts). It shall be loaded into the
bus configuration system before starting up the bus system. Please observe the
instructions in the host supplier manual for installing the required GSD file in the
EDD file
EDD stands for Electronic Device Description and is some kind of
parameterization file in which the standard description of the used blocks is
• EDD (Electronic Device Description):
FDT / DTM technology
The FDT (Field Device Tool) technology standardizes the communication and
configuration interface between all field devices and host systems. In doing so,
it describes the data exchange between field devices and control systems. To
be integrated into control systems, the supplied DTM (Device Type Manager)
software components must be installed. Basically, the DTM is a device driver
working as a connection to the configurations components of the field devices.
It creates the entire logic and parameterizing of a field device, creates a
standardized interface to the FDT frame application and can be inserted into any
FDT frame application.
• DTM (Device Type Manager):