8 Environmental Specifications
8.1 Temperature
Scanning performance is guaranteed when the range of ambient temperature around the scanner is
the following values:
Operating temperature
0 ~ 50
Storage temperature
-20 ~ 60
8.2 Humidity
Scanning performance is guaranteed when the range of ambient humidity around the scanner is the
following values:
Operating humidity
20 ~ 85% RH (no condensation, no frost)
Storage humidity
20 ~ 85% RH (no condensation, no frost)
9.3. Ambient Light Immunity
Scanning performance is guaranteed when the range of illumination on a bar code surface is between
zero and the following values:
Incandescent light
10,000 lx
Fluorescent light
10,000 lx
100,000 lx
Bar code
UPC (resolution 0.33 mm) specified in Section 7.4.2.
105 mm from the front edge of the camera module
α = 0°, β =
15°, γ = 0°
R = ∞
* Be sure that direct light or specular reflection from the light source does not enter the light receiving
section of the scanner.