Opticstar PL-131 series. © Opticstar Ltd, 2021.
Updated: 07/09/2021
Assembling your Auto-Guiding Hardware
Once the PL-131 camera is operational and all software have been successfully installed you will
be ready to set up your telescope. Please make all the physical connections required with reference
to the illustrations later in this document.
If you are using two USB cameras at the same time it is advisable that the two cameras are attached
to different USB controllers. Almost all PCs have two internal USB controllers and four USB
ports. Every controller is allocated its own bandwidth to be shared by its two USB ports.
Attaching two cameras to the same USB controller will affect performance and speed depending on
the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the PC.
M51: 23.03.2006. by Ulrich Gurschen - 3 minutes exposure without and with Guidemaster guiding
Once you have ensured that your software and hardware is operational you should be able to auto-
guide your mount and telescope.
Please make certain that all your USB devices are properly plugged in. Stretched cables can lead to
momentary loss of communication than can crash a camera, controller or any other USB device
connected to your PC.