A41.1950 Operating Microscope, Dual Head, Motor Zoom, 3x~16x. For Neurosurgery, Brain Surgery, ENT
4.5 Cantalever
Refer to Fig.2. On the cantalever (26) a Force balancing knob (27) is arranged. Tuning the
knob clockwise can increase the balance force of the cantilever, contrarily will reduce the
balance force. By loosing the Locking knob(24), the cantilever can balance the weight of 3-12
kg in a scope of -30
, the head can move up and down freely to suit the different
height in various operations. After adjustment, tighten the locking knob (24) and fix the
cantalever. By loosing the locking knob (28) on the transversal arm (30), the cantalever can
along the transversal arm(30). In combination with the rotation of the
transversal arm (30) and the horizontal position of the operation microscope, the length of
operational arm can be adjusted. Loosen the safety valve (25) and move safety slider up and
down can limit the location of cantalever (26). To moving the slider in arrowhead direction
will increase the minimum limited location and contrarily will reduce it. After moving the
slider, please tighten safety valve (25) to fix the slider (The instrument position height has
been adjusted before delivery, it needs not to be adjusted again, with the exception of adding
attachment weight on the head or changing the height of operating table). At the top surface of
the cantalever there is a 12V socket for CCD power source
(Notice: When connecting CCD
power source, pay more attention to the positive and negative poles of plug and power
a video signal output socket, a focusing and zooming socket and one X-Y translation
device socket (Refer to Fig.10).
Focusing, zooming socket Obliquity control socket
CCD power source
Video output socket
Socket board
Loosen locking knob (28), the cantalever can spin around the main transversal arm over 200°.
In combination with translation arm (30), the instrument can spin 360°. The biggest extending
radius is 1,250mm.The microscope has spacious operating space, convenient for adjusting the
horizontal position of the microscope far and near.