OrangeRX 3-‐Axis Flight Stabilizer V3 with Spektrum/JR
DSM2 Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver (V-‐tail/Delta/AUX)
The all new RX3S OrangeRX Flight Stabilizer V3 with Spektrum/JR DSM2 Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver
adds support for V-‐tail & Delta models, it also offers a remote ON/OFF feature that can be controlled via
your transmitter's AUX channel.
Utilizing a single high precision 3-‐axis MEMS gyro, the RX3S OrangeRX Flight Stabilizer V3 with Spektrum/JR
DSM2 Compatiale 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver is capable of stabilizing flight on just about any fixed wing aircraft!
It provides added stability by automatically correcting the aileron, elevator and rudder channels in flight.
This compensates for unwanted changes in the airplane's attitude due to wind and other factors. In short,
it makes your airplane much more stable in flight!
The RX3S V3 with Spektrum/JR DSM2 Compatible 6Ch 2.4GHz Receiver is great for those who tend to fly in
windy conditions, as it will compensate for wind gusts that would normally push your model around. It's
also an ideal add-‐on to your favorite FPV model to keep it on the straight and level while flying.
This unit is very simple to install and use. The adjustable gain settings are pre-‐set to 50% offering mild
stabilization. You can easily adjust the gain for each channel as desired to increase or decrease the
compensation for the respective channel (AIL, ELE, RUD).