OMR 700
Paperless recorders of the OMR 700 series conform to the Europen regulations 2014/30/EU and 2014/30/EU.
They are up to the following European and Czech standards:
EN 61010-1, Electrical safety
EN 61326-1, Electronic measuring, control and laboratory devices - Requirements for EMC „Industrial use“
Seismic capacity:
IEC 980: 1993, art. 6
The recorders are applicable for unlimited use in agricultural and industrial areas
ORBIT MERRET, spol. s r.o.
Vodňanská 675/30
198 00 Praha 9
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 - 281 040 200
Fax: +420 - 281 040 299
e-mail: orbit@merret.eu
Please read carefully the enclosed safety instructions and observe them!
Installation, all operational interventions, maintenance and service must be performed by a qualified perso-
nnel and in accordance with the attached information and safety regulations. The manufacturer is not liable
for damage caused by improper installation, configuration, maintenance, and service.
The recorder must be installed according to the respective application. Incorrect installation can cause a
malfunction, which can result in damage or accident.
The recorder uses dangerous voltages that can cause a fatal accident. Before you start solving problems
(e.g. in case of failure or disassembly), the device must be disconnected from the power supply. For safety
information the EN 61 010-1 + A2 standard must be observed.
When removing or inserting a card, observe the safety instructions and follow the recommended procedure.
During any intervention the recorder must be disconnected from the power supply.
Do not attempt to repair or modify the device. A defective recorder must be sent for repair to the manufacturer.
These devices should be safeguarded by isolated or common fuses (breakers)!
The recorder is not designed for installation in potentially explosive surroundings (Ex). Use it only outside
potentially explosive surroundings.