Limited Warranty:
Terms and Conditions
• Orec America, Inc. provides a limited warranty of two (2) years for residential users, one (1)
year for commercial users, and one (1) year for rental companies, of its products against
defects in workmanship and materials when said products are put to ordinary and normal use.
The terms and conditions of the limited warranty are as set forth herein.
• The second year of the residential warranty shall cover only parts and NOT service
• Crawlers are guaranteed for one hundred eighty (180) days after initial purchase. This
warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship only, and does not include damage to
crawlers from normal use and other external factors.
• The warranty shall commence from the date of purchase. This warranty is available only to the
original purchaser, and is not transferable.
• OREC reserves the right to inspect covered machines and parts in order to determine the
validity of warranty claims
• For the purposes of the above warranties “ordinary and normal use” does not include misuse,
accidents, or damage due to inadequate maintenance.
• Under this warranty, the responsibility of Orec America is limited to replacement or repair
of defective parts at Orec America, or at an authorized Orec dealer.
• Routine maintenance and adjustments, as defined by the manufacturer’s owners’ manuals,
are the responsibility of the user and are not covered by the warranty.
•Degradation or deterioration of the product due to everyday use are excluded from the warranty
•Expendable components including but not limited to such as belts, blades, filters, spark plugs,
bags, wheels hoses, cables, wires, brake pads and flappers, are excluded from the warranty.
This warranty does NOT cover tire replacement or repair caused by punctures from outside
objects, such as nails, thorns, stumps or glass.
• During the warranty period, the warranty holder is responsible for equipment
transportation charges, and transportation expenses needed to process the claim will not
be reimbursed.
• The following are excluded from the warranty:
Repairs necessary due to inappropriate use or abuse including, but not limited to, damage
caused by towing objects or over-speeding the engine.
Paint peeling or rust that occur through exposure to the elements or through everyday use
shall not be covered by the warranty.
Repairs necessary because of operator negligence, including but not limited to, electrical
and mechanical damage caused by improper storage, failure to use the proper grade and
amount of engine oil, failure to keep the mowing deck clear of flammable debris, or the failure
to maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in the owner’s manual.
Repairs necessary because of accidents.
Engine (fuel system) cleaning or repairs caused by fuel determined to be contaminated or
oxidized (stale). In general, fuel should be used within thirty (30) days of its purchase date.
Claims made after expiration of the warranty.
Claims that are NOT specifically covered by warranty.
• Repairs, maintenance and/or modifications performed by unauthorized persons or dealers,