User manual
UM0972150 R1-0
2. 3. 2. Heating setpoint
(see figure 10)
With the build in heating the spectrum scanner will maintain the
internal temperature in the set value. Value to be set: OFF; -20°C;
-10°C; 0°C; +10°C; +20°C; +30°C; +40°C. Default setting is +10 °C.
2. 4. OSD Settings
In this menu the settings of the OSD of the Spectrum Scanner can
be adjusted. (See figure 11 and 12).
2. 4. 1. OSD Menu help
Activation of the pop up help information after 10 seconds.
2. 4. 2. OSD Mode
In this menu the selection of the shown information from the
transmitter in the monitor.
: battery indicator and channel indicator are shown.
: charge indicator and channel indicator are shown.
only channel indicator is shown.
Default setting is B+C, battery indicator and channel indicator
are shown.
2. 4. 3. OSD horizontal position
With this the position of the OSD can be horizontally adjusted to
place is in the middle of the screen.
2. 4. 4. OSD vertical position
Please do not change.
2. 4. 5. Debug mode on/off
This is a function that is used only when an Orlaco service techni-
cian is on site and test the equipment. Standard mode is OFF.
When in OSD mode the channel indicator is activated to be shown
in the monitor, the shown info gives info about the status of the
Capital letter “
” means the channel is set to a value.
Small letter “
” means the channel is set to auto.
Capital letter “
” means data communication is ok.
Small letter “
” means that there is no data connection.
: automatic channel mode, data communication ok.
: set channel, no data communication.
2. 5. Setup Transmitter
Now the Spectrum Scanner Tx (Transmitter) menu is shown (See
figure 13).
The changes made here are done in the transmitter of the Spec-
trum Scanner. The menu options are the same as described for the
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13