IG-156-EN version 04; 25/01/19
General instructions
Web Application: Web server (HTTP and HTTPS)
4.3.2. History log
This tab displays three types of logs: faults log, substation
alarms and events log and log of changes in Software
versions of the different units.
1. Faults: displays information on the last and second-to-last
step fault detection registered for each protection unit. It
is possible to download a file with the information on the
Figure 4.13.
Fault log
2. Log: displays detailed information on the substation events
and alarms and each cell in order from the most recent to the
oldest in this format:
a. Event No.: up to 4000 events. When the event queue
is full, the oldest is deleted and the new one is logged
b. Synchronization flag.
c. Date.
d. Group and type of event: it is possible to group the
generation of events by group and type of event, to make
it easier to analyse incidents.
e. Event text.
f. Position (general substation event or cubicle event).
g. Each event associated with the cubicle is accompanied
by the instant values of the voltages and currents of the
three phases and neutral.
The tab allows filters to be applied to display the events
recorded on the ekor.ccp unit: filter by date, by group and/
or type of event, select the number of events to be displayed
per page, etc.
It is possible to download in a .csv file the result of the
previously defined checks maintaining the same structure on
the Web.