Switches the sign of the displayed value between
positive (+) and negative (-).
Use this key in combination with arithmetic
operator keys to perform percent.
Setting TAX rate.
Change mode between the calculator and the
keypad status.
Send the calculation result to PC when the device
is in calculator mode or in keypad mode.
Num Lock ON: Input symbol “+”.
Num Lock OFF: Input symbol “=”.
Special Function:
Normally, when users input numbers from a USB keypad, the
notebook’s Num Lock function will be enabled as well. Users
have to disable Num Lock function before inputting characters
from a notebook. The enable and disable process will always
showing every time when users input numbers from a keypad and
it is cumbersome for all the users. If users want to solve this
problem, they need to install driver. But our new keypad has no
synchronized problem; users can use the keypad and inputting