New batteries need charging before your first journey and will not perform
to their peak until the first six to ten charging cycles have been completed.
To ensure long battery life does not allow your batteries to become totally
discharged. If your powered wheelchair is not used for any length of time the
batteries must receive a full charge once a month and remain fully charged
during storage. For replacement batteries contact Greencare in order to
ensure that the new batteries are of the correct type and specification and
are correctly installed and connected.
Pay attention to the battery charge indicator on the joystick controller as at
full charge all lights will be on (from right to left: green, amber, and red). As
the battery charge drops during powered wheelchair operation successive
lights will extinguish until eventually only the two red lights will be on. It means
that you must charge the batteries without delay. We strongly advise you,
however, not to wait until this critical point has been reached but to charge
the batteries as early and as often as possible after you have used your
powered wheelchair. If you ignore the warning (only two red lights on), and
the battery charge drops further to a level where it is no longer sufficient to
allow safe driving, the controller will automatically cut the power supply to
the motors, so that the powered wheelchair comes to an abrupt halt and you
may find yourself stranded.
Except in emergencies, never drive on discharged batteries, this will add strain
to them and reduce their life. We recommend batteries should be charged
every time the powered wheelchair is used, independent of the depth of
discharge. Depending on this and their capacity, a full charge on completely
discharged batteries can take up to approximately eight hours.
Before you attempt charging, ensure you read and understand the instruction
leaflet supplied with the battery charger.