Small Baby Front Carry - 0-3 months
Your Oscha Cairis comes with a Cynch for narrowing the width of the main body panel, so you
can adjust the width of the seat to suit your child’s size. The waistband can also be folded over to
reduce the height of the main body panel, to ensure it is the correct height for your child.
To adjust the height of the body panel, hold the carrier hanging
down like an apron, with the buckle that is attached to the
waistband fabric facing towards you. Fold the waistband over
and away from you, rolling it over the top of the body panel, so
that the body panel ends up between you and the waistband. The
waistband buckle will now be facing away from you. Fasten the
waistband around yourself, keeping it level.. Tighten so it feels snug.
Take the Cynch and tie it
around the body panel as
near to the waistband as you
can, then draw in the panel to
an appropriate width for your
baby’s knee spread.
Move the strap around so the knot is under the waist fabric and will not rub against your baby.
Hold your baby to your chest and position them comfortably with their bottom just above the
cynch accessory strap, knees raised and slightly parted, in the foetal tuck position. You will find the
waistband is now between your baby’s tummy and yours. The top of your child’s head should be
close enough to kiss easily; if it is not, put baby down and move the waistband higher up your
body. Now go to Point 6 under instructions for ‘Front Carry’ to continue...