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Remove and Store the Stair Assembly
Before removing the stair assembly, check the interior of the unit one last time to verify that all
equipment is secure and ready for transport.
There are two different options for the stair assembly. The first option is to attach the stairs directly
to the mobile unit while the second option is to utilize the supplied platform as well. Both options
can be taken down easier with two people. The instructions are covered below.
Standard Stair System
1. Close and lock the staff door with the key that is provided.
2. Open the door to the underbody storage compartment.
3. Loosen the hardware holding the handrails in place. Remove the handrails from
the stair assembly.
4. Lift the clip of the stair assembly up and away from the channel that is located
underneath the staff door.
5. Place the stair assembly on the ground.
6. Using the sole of your shoe, step on the spring loaded release to retract the
adjustable legs on each side of the stair assembly.
7. Place the stair assembly and handrail inside of the underbody storage
compartment and close the compartment door.
Stair Assembly with the Platform (Optional)
1. Close and lock the staff door with the key that is provided.
2. Open the door to the underbody compartment.
3. Release the handrails from their operating positions by loosening the hardware
provided. Place the handrails to the side.
4. After the handrails have been removed, the stair assembly can be safely removed
from the channel located on the platform.
5. Place the stair assembly to the side.
6. Remove the adjustable legs that were used with the stair assembly.
7. While one person holds the platform in place, another person should remove the
adjustable legs that were used to support the platform. Place the adjustable legs to
the side.
8. Both people should lift the clip of the platform from the channel located beneath
the staff entry door.
9. Place the platform inside of the underbody compartments.
10. Place the stair assembly into the underbody compartments.
11. Place the handrails into the underbody compartments.
12. Close the underbody compartment door.