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A remote alarm panel is located in the control room near the operator’s workstation. This panel has
a light and an audible alarm for notification of an A/C-Chiller fault. The switch on the panel can be
used to silence the audible alarm. In the event of a fault, refer to the main control panel for specific
fault information.
Figure 41: A/C / Chiller Alarm Panel
In order to ensure proper operation of the HVAC system at all times, refer to
Section 15: Specific Maintenance
System Specifications and Descriptions
The HVAC system utilizes forced air.
The HVAC utilizes electricity as the source of power.
Air conditioning and heating registers are installed in accordance with the approved plans.
All warning and identification labels as required are installed at the factory.
All aspects of the HVAC system such as damper settings, venting, component set points,
and sensor placement are adjusted for optimum operation. Under no circumstances should
these settings be altered.
The air conditioning ductwork is lined with a sound absorbent material for reduced noise
and operator and patient comfort.
Exterior HVAC Specifications
The HVAC system is designed to work within certain limitations. The ambient exterior temperatures
must be within the range of -20°F to 110°F.