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OSRAM - Operating instructions: TOUCH DIM RMC 


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Start- up and operation 




Touch DIM RMC unit provides four push buttons, operating as two pairs (button 1 + 2 and 3 + 4). 
Each pair corresponds with the two channels of a Touch DIM receiver. Thus two Touch DIM RC 
modules with two channels may be controlled individually by the handheld RMC. 

Therefore four luminaire groups (Group 1 connected to Ch1, Group 2 connected to Ch2 of the first 
Touch DIM RC module, Group 3 connected to Ch1, Group 4 connected to Ch2 of the second Touch 
DIM RC module) can be operated independently of each other. 

Pressing briefly on one of the buttons on the handheld transmitter switches the luminaire group 
connected to the relevant channel on or off. Holding down the button will fade the lighting either up or 
down. The direction changes each time the button is pressed. If the lighting system is off and the 
button in held down the luminaires will come on at the minimum dimmer setting and start to fade up. 
A double click (= two subsequent short presses) stores the current dimming level as switch on value. 


As an option, the luminaires connected to the receiver can be operated with external switches (make 
contacts) connected to terminals T1 or T2. The switch at T1 operates Ch1, and the switch at T2 
operates Ch2.  


All the Touch DIM/Touch DIM Sensor functions of the OSRAM control gear can be accessed. 
For further information please refer to the documentation for the particular products. 



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  OSRAM - Operating instructions: TOUCH DIM RMC 




Notes on radio operation 

The position of the remote control unit and the installation site for receivers, the structure of the building 
and the building materials all have a major impact on the transmission range. The type and number of 
obstacles between the transmitter and the receiver, sources of interference and signal reflections may 
reduce the ranges given below quite considerably. If you are in any doubt you should test the 
transmission range before installing the equipment.  

The following transmission ranges are given as guide values: 


In the open air: 



approx. 300m 








Passageways and corridors: 



approx. 50m 


Rooms with wooden or plasterboard walls:  approx. 30m, penetration of up to 7 walls 


Rooms with brick or breezeblock walls: 

approx. 20m, penetration of up to 3 walls 


Rooms with reinforced concrete walls: 

approx. 10m, penetration of one wall 





























OSRAM - Operating instructions: TOUCH DIM RMC 


page 7 





The luminaire is not working. Possible causes: 


There is no power.  
Check the power connections. 


The lamps are faulty.  
Replace them. 


The luminaire has been switched off by the transmitter.  
Switch the luminaire on. 

The luminaire is not reacting as expected to switch operations. Possible cause: 


The radio transmitter has not been learned.  
Learn the transmitter as described in the Start-up section. 


The transmitter is too far away from the receiver module.  
Reduce the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. 


The switch is being pressed too long.  
Please note: Hold down the switch to change the brightness only until the luminaire reaches the 
brightness level you want. For all other functions, just briefly press the switch. 




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  OSRAM - Operating instructions: TOUCH DIM RMC 




Technical data  

Protection type: 

IP 20 

Ambient temperature: 

-20...+45 °C 

Frequency band: 

868,3 MHz 

Transmitting power: 

10 mW 

Switching cycles: 

> 50.000 


49 mm x 82 mm x 20 mm 


approx. 45 g 

The CE symbol signifies compliance 
with the relevant EU Directives  
