One Stop Systems
EB3450 | 27
Always check the general system and hardware requirements as well as optimal CPU and GPU settings when using High Power GPUs. For
example, if you are using five XYZ brand Doublewide GPUs and each GPU requires 16GB of PCI Memory Address space. In order for these 5 XYZ
GPUs to operate properly, a total of 80G of host system memory is needed during system boot. The system BIOS, during POST, will typically
check for equivalent host system memory to be able to support PCI address space. The host computer should match or exceed the memory
requirements of the total GPU PCI address space to achieve better performance and avoid problems that may cause the entire system to
malfunction. Random crashes and other unexpected errors can occur if GPU memory requirements are not met or the system may not boot at
all if the BIOS checks for and sees a mismatch on PCI address space and host system memory capacity. Check with GPU manufacturers for
details on memory and systems requirements.
Increasing the size of the memory may not be enough for some systems, adjusting the settings in BIOS of the host system accordingly might be
required (i.e. enable above 4G memory as well as increase MMIO space accordingly).
PCIe card Power Requirements
Power consumption is crucial for all CPUs and GPUs and other High-End Power Hungry PCIe cards. GPUs consume a great deal of power. As the
processing power of graphics cards has increased, so has their demand for electrical power. Due to the limitations of the card slot (PCI Express
connectors only supply 75 Watts of power), present GPU cards with power consumption of over 75 Watts now include a combination
of six-pin
(75 W) and or eight-pin (150 W) connectors
. If these are not available, you can use the internal Auxiliary power connectors in the expansion
unit (see picture below).
There are
9 (6+2 pin) PCIe Auxiliary
power connectors available in the expansion unit for providing extra power to PCIe cards / GPUs.
When using a GPU card that has a maximum power consumption of 225W you would need to use two six-pin power connectors.
Number of Pins
6-pin connector
provides 75 Watts
8-pin connector
provides 150 Watts
OSS EB3450 uses 6+2 pin PCIe power connectors. It can be used as 6-pin or 8-pin connector depending on what the PCIe card or GPU requires.
K80 Installation