OticOn Agil
Automatic Features
In the Automatics section you can enable or disable the Auto-
matics in Oticon Agil instruments.
Multiband Adaptive Directionality
is designed to provide
benefit from Directionality in situations where the Speech-
to-Noies can be improved. Through Binaural Broadband
the Multiband Adaptive Directionality in Oticon Agil Pro is
synchronised between right and left hearing instruments.
triState noise Management
uses VoiceFinder to detect if
speech in present or not. Noise Reduction will be applied to
provide comfort in noisy situations without compromising
important speech cues. Binaural Broadband will ensure that
the information in Oticon Agil Pro is synchronized between
right and left hearing instruments to ensure best possible
speech understanding in any environment.
My Voice
in Oticon Agil Pro is able to recognize the client’s own
voice. This information is used by TriState Noise Management
to ensure that the cllient’s own voice does not affect the
amount of Noise Reduction.
Binaural Broadband
is available for Oticon Agil Pro only
and controls the synchronization between the two hearing
instruments. Binaural Broadband is default on. If disabled
this will also disable the binaural coordination of push button
Other Tools
Use the Acoustics tool to change vent size or dome type.
Feedback Manager:
This is a fast and effective way to set the instrument’s feed-
back limits to ensure that no static feedback is present.
If feedback occurs, run the FBM from P1. The feedback limits
will be applied to all programs in the hearing instrument.
Note: It is not possible to adjust the controls above the new
feedback limit. Gain limits applied to the control setting
depend on whether the DFC
system is active or not.
This means that gain can be increased more when the DFC
is enabled.
All Oticon Agil instruments have Dynamic Feedback Cancel-
lation2 that contributes to the instruments’ superb sound