6.14 Setting rear wheel tracking (M5)
(Fig. 34, 35)
The correction plate, which is angled twice, is to be mounted to the adapter with the rear
wheel fitting and the camber washers. To correct wheel tracking, put the level on the straight
To correct wheel tracking, put the level on the straight
To correct wheel tracking, put the level on the straight
edge of the correction plate and turn the plate until the camber washers are level. Next, fix the
Next, fix the
Next, fix the
plate with the 6 mm oval head screw. Finally retighten the M18x1 nuts.
Finally retighten the M18x1 nuts.
Finally retighten the M18x1 nuts.
Make sure to firmly retighten all screws and nuts after making adjustments.
Observe the values indicated in section 6.1.