Press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 5 key for four seconds. The WEIGHT window
will display “sEtUP”, the PIECE WEIGHT window will display “dAtE”, and the COUNT window will
display the date in YY.MM.DD format. Use the number keys to enter the desired date and press
the ENTER key to confirm and continue to the time setting, or press the ZERO/ON/OFF key to
exit. The WEIGHT window will continue to display “sEtUP”, the PIECE WEIGHT window will display
“tinnE” (time), and the COUNT window will display the time in HH.MM.SS format. Use the number
keys to enter the desired time and press the ENTER key to confirm. Press the ZERO/ON/OFF key
to exit this mode.
Start from normal weighing mode and press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 1 key for
four seconds. The WEIGHT window will display “sEtUP”, the PIECE WEIGHT window will display
“LEd.brt”, and the COUNT window will display the brightness setting. Use the number keys to enter
the desired brightness (1 through 3) and press the ENTER key to confirm. Press the ZERO/ON/OFF
key to exit this mode.
Press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 1 key for four seconds. The WEIGHT window will
display “sEtUP”, the PIECE WEIGHT window will display “LEd.brt”, and the COUNT window will
display the brightness setting. Use the number keys to enter the desired brightness (1 through 3)
and press the ENTER key to confirm. Press the ZERO/ON/OFF key to exit this mode.
Under the normal weighing mode, when the scale reading is stable, press PRINT key to output the
data via RS232 interface in the following format:
Business: xxxxx
Product: xxxxx
ID: xxxxxx
Date: yy/mm/dd
Time: hh:mm
Gross: xxx.xxx kg/lb
Tare: xxx.xxx kg/lb
Net: xxx.xxx kg/lb
Pc.wt: xxx.xxx kg/lb (Note: decimal point
position adjusts automatically)
Count: xxxxxx pcs
Number: xxxxxxx
Total: xxxxxxxpcs
To view the battery voltage and internal ADC (analogue to digital converter) settings, from normal
weighing mode press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 3 key for four seconds. The PIECE
WEIGHT window will display “codE” and the WEIGHT window will display “UoL.x.x” where x.x V is
the battery voltage. If the scale is using AC power, the stepped down line voltage will be shown. The
COUNT window will display the internal ADC code. Press the ZERO/ON/OFF key to exit this mode.
Start from normal weighing mode and press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 6 key for
four seconds. The WEIGHT window will display “sEtUP”, the PIECE WEIGHT window will display
“id”, and the COUNT window will display the current ID code (default is 000000). Use the number
keys to enter the desired ID code and press the ENTER key to confirm. Press the ZERO/ON/OFF
key to exit this mode.
Start from normal weighing mode and press and hold the ZERO/ON/OFF key and the 7 key for
four seconds. The WEIGHT window will display “bUsi.n”, and the PIECE WEIGHT and COUNT
windows will display the last 12 characters of the business name. Use the number keys to input the
business name (max length of 20 characters). Press the ZERO/ON/OFF key to exit this mode.
OXD-844-2040K-INSTRUCTIONS.indd 9
OXD-844-2040K-INSTRUCTIONS.indd 9
29/06/2020 10:07
29/06/2020 10:07