Oxford Technical Solutions
NAVsuite software
NAVsuite is a collection of free software applications that support the use of OxTS inertial
navigation systems and base stations. The following section describes the installation process
and gives a brief description of the installed applications.
How to install
To run the installer, double-click the NAVsetup.exe icon and then follow the on-screen
prompts. If you have downloaded NAVsuite from the support website, you will need to unzip
the saved file first.
please restart the PC after the NAVsuite installer successfully completes
System requirements
NAVsuite installs and runs on PCs running Microsoft Windows 7, 8 or 10 (either 32- and 64-
bit versions). Please ensure the latest operating system service packs are installed. The
following components are also required to run NAVsuite and will be automatically installed
if not detected.
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable, 10.0.30319.1 or newer
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) 14.0.23026 or newer
While an Ethernet port is not required to launch NAVsuite applications, some features of
programs that communicate with products will be unavailable or restricted without one.
Admin rights
For successful installation, administrative rights are required to configure the firewall for the
FTP and UDP port, so you may need to contact your system administrator. Write access is
also required for the following system folders:
• Common Files