GPT3G003 OzSpy User Manual
15. Set Sleep Time
Send SMS “SLEEPON*123456*T1*T2*Timezone” to the tracker, “SLEEPON” is command,
“123456” is password, “T1” is the local time begin to sleep (24 hours), “T2” is the local time
begin to weak up (24 hours), “Timezone” is the local time zone. The tracker will send back
information “Set sleep time (T1-T2), Timezone: Tz”. After receive the command, the tracker will
begin to sleep from time T1, and weak up from time T2. In the sleep time, the unit will not
detect shock signal, and doesn’t upload the location, but can receive SMS and CALL.
For example set sleep from 22PM ( tonight) to 8AM (tomorrow morning), the SMS will be :
“SLEEPON*123456*22*8*+09” (Tokyo, time zone is east 9)
“SLEEPON*123456*22*8*-05” (NewYork, time zone is west 5)
But if the command is like this: “SLEEPON*123456*7*8*+09”. It means the unit will sleep
from today 7AM to today 8AM, only 1 hour.
“SLEEPON*123456*8*7*+09”. It means the unit will sleep from today 8AM to tomorrow
7AM, 23 hours in all.
Set the sleep time can save the power.
Send SMS “SLEEPOFF*123456”to the tracker, “SLEEPOFF” is command, “123456” is
password, this command will disable the SLEEPON command.
16. Check tracker setting
Send SMS “CHECK*123456” to the tracker number, “CHECK” is the fixed command,
“123456” is password. The tracker will send back information including software version, ID S/N
number, IP address, authorized phone number, GPS and GSM signal etc., normally this
command is used to test the tracker is working well or not. The following is an example:
622+, V Sep 08 2014,CC630,CC6221412345678,MODE:1,www.999gps.net,,