1. The winch should be mounted with the centerline of the
drum in a horizontal position. The clutch actuator may be
indexed at time of order for best fit.
2. Hydraulic lines and components that operate the winch
should be of sufficient size to assure minimum back pres
sure at the winch. The motor manufacturer recommends
that back pressure not exceed 100 PSI (6.9 bar) for op-
timum motor seal life. To limit potential problems arising
from high back pressures, the motor should be externally
drained directly to tank to improve motor seal life. For
back pressures exceeding 150 PSI (10.3 bar), consult
PACCAR Winch Technical Support.
3. High-quality hydraulic oil is essential for satisfactory per-
formance and long hydraulic system component life.
Oil having 150 to 330 SUS viscosity at 100°F (38°C) and
viscosity index of 100 or greater will give good results un-
der normal temperature conditions. The use of oil having
a high viscosity index will minimize cold-start trouble and
reduce the length of warm-up periods. A high viscosity
index will minimize changes in viscosity with correspond-
ing changes in temperature.
Maximum cold weather start-up viscosity should not ex-
ceed 5,000 SUS with a pour point at least 20°F (11°C)
lower than the minimum temperature. Under continu-
ous operating conditions the temperature of the oil at
any point in the system must not exceed 180°F (82°C).
120°F to 140°F (49°C to 60°C) is generally considered
In general terms; for continuous operation at ambient
temperatures between 50°F and 110°F (10°C and 43°C),
use SAE 20W; for continuous operation between 10°F
and 90°F (–12°C and 32°C), use SAE 10W; for applica-
tions colder than 10°F (–12°C), contact PACCAR Winch
Technical Support. The use of multiviscosity oils is gener-
ally not recommended.
4. The hydraulic oil filter should have a 10-micron nominal
rating and be full-flow type.