The primary and secondary carriers both use the same ser-
vice procedures described here.
1. Use a 3/16-inch drift to drive the roll pins into the center
of the planet shafts. Drive the shafts out of the carrier,
freeing the planet gears and thrust washers.
Use the 3/16-inch drift to finish driving the roll pins from
the planet shafts.
3. Press out the planet gear bushings and discard the
4. Clean all parts and inspect for damage and wear. Planet
shafts are to be free of scoring. Thrust washers are to be
free of surface irregularities and heat discoloring. Planet
teeth should be free of abnormal wear and pitting. Al-
ways replace roll pins and shaft bushings with new.
Reassemble the winch in reverse order of the steps described in Winch Disassembly section of this manual. Take
care to apply oil to O-rings and seal lips, and properly torque fasteners per the torque chart also in this manual.
1. Press new planet bushings into the gears, then apply oil
to the inside of the bushings.
2. Lay the planet carrier on the workbench; insert a thrust
washer, planet and another washer into the planet win-
dow. Install a shaft through the carrier and gear arrange-
ment, and then secure with a new roll pin. Repeat pro-
cess for remaining gears.
3. Recess each roll pin slightly into the carrier. To prevent
the pins from backing out, use a punch to stake each