The following instructions should be used in emergency situations when the fuel tank has run dry, or after the fuel system service has
been performed. Failure to follow the starting instructions below may damage the starter motor.
Figure 5: Fuel Filter Module - Priming Pump
Figure 6: Fuel Filter Module - Priming Pump
Figure 7: PACCAR Fuel Blending Valve Position
Run (open)
Prime (closed)
Loosen the fuel primer pump knob by rotating it counterclockwise.
If your vehicle is equipped with a PACCAR fuel blending valve, rotate the blending valve 90° counterclockwise to
the PRIME (closed) position (see "PACCAR Fuel Blending Valve Position") before starting the priming procedure.
The valve only rotates 90° left or right. Whether or not your vehicle is equipped with a PACCAR fuel blending valve,
continue to Step 3.
Operate the priming pump by moving the knob in and out for 150 seconds. During this time the pumping resistance
will increase, indicating air is being bled from the system. The full time is required to fully prime the fuel system.
CHAPTER 2: FUEL FILTER - Priming the Fuel System
SM044-004 (01/2021)