A starter / generator rated at 30 V DC - 200 amps is mounted on the engine accessory /
reduction gear box module. It is a conventional four-pole shunt-field generator with interpoles
and series auxiliary starting windings. The unit is cooled by a built-in fan.
A generator warning light is contained in the annunciator panel. The light is connected to both
battery and generator systems and will illuminate when the generator is off line.
A combined volt/ammeter is located in the centre of the instrument panel. The instrument
comprises a HIGH VOLTS warning light, a DISCHARGE warning light, a mode switch and a
digital display.
Ground power can be connected to the aircraft using the socket located on the left hand rear
The combination navigation/strobe beacon system comprises two wing tip light units, two
fuselage strobe lights, a power supply unit, a navigation lights switch circuit breaker, a strobe
lights switch circuit breaker and associated wiring. The left hand and right hand wing tip
mounted light units combine the conventional red/green wing lights with flash tubes for the
strobe lighting. A white navigation light is mounted on the tail of the aircraft. The navigation and
strobe lights are controlled by using switches in the switch panel.
The landing light system comprises two 28 V 250 watt sealed beam lights, a switch/circuit
breaker and associated wiring. The landing lights are located in the wing leading edge, inboard
of the wing tip. The light assemblies are secured at three points by spring loaded screws which
also provide angular adjustment. A pre formed plexiglass cover is fitted over the unit.
The PAC 750XL is equipped with lighting for the instrument panel and pedestal. Lighting is
controlled using a switch in the switch panel. Lighting intensity is controlled by the four knobs
located on the pedestal.
Ambient air is ducted from two NACA ducts located immediately forward of the right and left
hand exhaust pipes. The air is directed through separate flexible ducts to the cockpit vents.
The flow is controlled using either one or both of the cockpit ventilation controls located either
side of the pedestal in the cockpit. Pulling the lever opens an aperture on the firewall which
allows the air to flow into the cockpit through the vent.
A Scott Mark II, 22 cubic feet (14 lbs), portable oxygen system is provided as optional
equipment for the pilot. The system provides a manually variable flow of oxygen for two users to
16,500 feet or to 20,000 feet with optional accessories. The unit is mounted on the left cabin
side wall just behind the pilot’s seat.