Palax KS50s
6.1 Splitting speed and force
Normally the splitting movement is executed at the highest possible speed
when the splitting force is the lowest.
As the force requirement increases, the machine automatically adopts a
greater splitting force. The splitting force is increased in steps so that it can
be about 4, 8 or 24 tons. The change of the splitting force affects inversely to
the splitting speed. When the force is low, the speed is high and vice versa.
As the log starts splitting, and the force requirement is reduced, the machine
adopts a lower splitting force, which means the splitting speed is increased.
6.2 Splitting wedges
Keep the splitting wedge sharp and observe during handling that the logs do
not contain anything, which could damage it.
The height of the splitting wedge can be adjusted hydraulically using the
lever in the control panel.
A wedge splitting in 8 ways, standard feature
A standard wedge for splitting the log in eight ways.
A wedge splitting in 2/4 ways, optional
Using this wedge, the log can be split in two ways (a log at maximum 20 cm
in diameter) or in four ways.
A wedge splitting in 6 ways, optional equipment
Using this wedge, the log can be split in six ways.
A wedge splitting in 12 ways, optional equipment
Using this wedge, the log can be split in twelve ways.
6.3 Flap, Fig. 6.1
In particular, when short pieces of firewood are
processed from large logs, the logs are frozen or
very knotty, it is possible that the billet drops or
jumps onto the bottom of the chute in a wrong
position, and the splitting cannot be started until
the position of the billet has been corrected.
The Palax KS 50s is equipped with a special flap
that helps to transfer the billet being controlled
into the splitting chute after the cut-off operation.
The flap can be switched either to automatic
operation or completely out of operation. The
operating mode of the flap is selected with the
ON-OFF lever 12 on the control panel, Fig 4.1.
If the flap is in use, it automatically operates synchronic with the crosscut
saw-bar. If the flap is not in use, the cut-off log falls straight onto the bottom
of the splitting chute.