PALLMANN GmbH l Ein Unternehmen der Uzin Utz AG | Im Kreuz 6 | 97076 Würzburg | T49 931 27964-0 | T49 931 27964-50 I www.pallmann.net
3.2 Technical data
Single-phase AC motor....................................................... 230 V, 50 cps
Motor power ............................................................................... 2500 W
Sanding drum speed................................................................. 2100 rpm
Sanding width............................................................................. 200 mm
Sanding belt dimensions ............................ 200 mm x 750 mm, endless
Gesamtgewicht .......................................................................... 83,5 kg
Gewicht Chassis ........................................................................ 42,5 kg
Gewicht Motor ........................................................................... 33,0 kg
Gewicht Führungsrohr ................................................................ 8,0 kg
3.3 Safety and machine protection facilities
COBRA CLASSIC is equipped with an
- overcurrent cutout and an
- no-volt release
The overcurrent cutout protects the machine from damage and persons from endangering
in the case of short circuits.
The no-volt release prevents uncontrolled restart of the machine after power failure. The motor
will not restart automatically when the power returns, it will have to be switched on again.
4 Proper use
The parquet fl oor sander COBRA CLASSIC is suitable for dry sanding of parquet and
plank fl oors. No other use is allowed.
Never use COBRA CLASSIC for wet procedures (mortal risk from electric shock)!