Palm Pro Throwline
Inspection, care & maintenance guide
This guide relates to the Palm Pro Range of throwlines, including 15, 20 and 25 meter bags
On purchasing your throwline, and before first use, take the rope out of the bag and check the
line is tied into the bag with a suitable knot, for example a figure of eight
When repacking, stuff the rope in the bag so it deploys cleanly, without snags, ensuring the line
does not contain any knots along its length
Before every use it is important that the user, or potential user, of any throwline checks it is in full
working order in case they are required to deploy the bag at an incident.
Empty the bag and check the rope is tied into the inside of the bag correctly.
Check the rope as follows:
Cuts in the rope
Snags of the outer sheath of the rope
Check if the white core is visible at any point along the length of the line
Check for contamination, i.e. fuel either visibly or a strong smell.
Check the end of the line is not frayed or furred up.
Check the bag as follows:
The bag is not frayed, spit, snagged or torn.
Check the yellow attachment point is intact inside and out, no frays, tears or snags.
Check for contamination, i.e. fuel either visibly or a strong smell.
Check the draw cord is in full working order and the closure is working and stays closed.
Repack the rope and check the line for any knots, removing if found
These checks should take less than two minutes. If all is in order repack the bag correctly and close
securely -‐the throwline is ready to use.