PA-800 Firewall Overview
if the output shows that these ports are set to SFP
+ and you are using SFP transceivers, then run the
following commands to change the port type from
SFP+ to SFP and then restart the firewall to apply the
admin@PA-850> set system setting port
s-9-12-speed sfp
admin@PA-850> request restart system
HA1 and HA2 ports
Two RJ-45 10/100/1000Mbps ports for high-
availability control (HA1) and synchronizaon (HA2).
MGT port
Use this Ethernet 10/100/1000Mbps port to
access the management web interface and perform
administrave tasks. The firewall also uses this port
for management services, such as retrieving licenses
and updang the threat and applicaon signatures.
CONSOLE port (RJ-45)
Use this port to connect a management computer to
the firewall using a 9-pin serial to RJ-45 cable and
terminal emulaon soware.
The console connecon provides access to firewall
boot messages, the Maintenance Recovery Tool
(MRT), and the command line interface (CLI).
If your management computer does not
have a serial port, use a USB-to-serial
Use the following sengs to configure your terminal
emulaon soware to connect to the console port:
• Data rate: 9600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: none
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None
USB port
Use the USB port to bootstrap the firewall.
Bootstrapping enables you to provision the firewall
with a specific PAN-OS configuraon and then
license it and make it operaonal on your network.
PA-800 Series Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Reference
2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.