Service the PA-800 Series Firewall Hardware
Interpret the LEDs on a PA-800 Series Firewall
Front Panel LEDs
PWR (Power)
Green—The firewall is powered on.
Off—The firewall is not powered on or an error has occurred
with the internal power system (for example, power is not within
tolerance levels).
Green—All cooling fans are operaonal.
Off—One or more fans failed.
Red—A hardware component failed, such as a power supply
failure, a firewall failure that caused an HA failover, a drive
failure, or hardware is overheang and the temperature is above
the high temperature threshold.
Off—The firewall is operang normally.
Green—The firewall is operang normally.
Yellow—The firewall is boong.
HA (High-Availability)
Green—The firewall is the acve peer in an acve/passive
Yellow—The firewall is the passive peer in an acve/passive
Off—High availability (HA) is not operaonal on this firewall.
In an acve/acve configuraon, the HA LED
indicates only HA status for the local firewall and has
two possible states (green or off); it does not indicate
HA connecvity of the peer. Green indicates that the
firewall is either acve-primary or acve-secondary
and off indicates that the firewall is in any other state
(For example, non-funconal or suspended).
TEMP (Temperature)
Green—The firewall temperature is normal.
Yellow—The firewall temperature is outside tolerance levels.
PA-800 Series Environmental Specificaons
for the
temperature range.
Ethernet port LEDs
Le LED—Solid green indicates a network link.
PA-800 Series Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Reference
2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.