Has the floppy disk been correctly inser ted?
Has the floppy disk been correctly formatted?
Your floppy disk content may be corrupted.
Is the disk write-protected?
Select [Format] in [My Computer] - [3 1/2 Floppy (A:)] - [File]. After confirming the
disk volume and format type, start formatting.
Your drive or file may not have been properly set.
Check to see if the hard disk is full. If it is full, delete unnecessary files.
Your hard disk content may be corrupted. Contact Panasonic Technical Support.
Try testing another drive or media.
Dealing with Problems
Cannot read/write to a
floppy disk
Unable to write to a disk
How to format a floppy
disk is unclear
Unable to read/write to
the hard disk
When the previous item
is not the cause
Disk Operations
The address map for IRQ,
I/O port address, etc. is
A USB device does not
Windows 98
Check the address map by going to [View Resources] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control
Panel] - [System] - [Device Manager] - [Computer] - [Properties].
Windows 2000
Check the address map by going to [View] - [Resources by type] in [Start] - [Settings]
- [Control Panel] - [System] - [Hardware] - [Device Manager].
Windows NT
Select [Start] - [Programs] - [Administrative Tools (Common)] -[Windows NT Diag-
nostics] to see the present conditions.
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Make sure a driver is installed.
Contact the manufacturer of the product.
Windows NT
USB devices are not supported except the USB floppy disk drive (CF-VFDU03).
Connecting Peripherals
The sound is not heard
Try changing the mute by pressing Fn + F4 or Fn + F6 .
Has the Setup Utility been used to set [Speaker] to [Disable]?(
page 52
When [Your computer cannot be suspended at this time] is displayed before enter-
ing the standby mode, the sound function may cease to operate normally. In such
cases, restart the computer.
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Sounds may stop being generated when the standby/hibernation function is used
during the playback with the Windows Media Player. In such cases, restart the
Windows Media Player.
Windows NT
Sound function may not work when the standby/hibernation function is used. In
such cases, restart the player (Windows Media Player, XGPlayer, etc.) and right-
on the task bar, then select [Adjust Audio Properties], and then change
[Volume] in [Playback]. In addition, when the recording function is used, change
[Volume] in both [Playback] and [Recording].