Active, Visual-Based Learning
Makes the Classroom More Exciting
The elite Panaboard is an advanced educational tool that lets you grab students' attention.
It makes it easy to create effective, eye-catching teaching materials and it promotes
a style of active, visual-based teaching and learning that makes the classroom fun
for both teacher and students.
By connecting a PC with Internet access and a projector, you can bring the huge amount of information
available on the Web or any information on your PC right into your classroom.
Panasonic and the elite Panaboard open the door to a new kind of active, visual-based learning.
A Tool that Supports an Advanced, New Style of Teaching
Animal images, maps, and other images can be archived
in the elite Panaboard's gallery for quick, easy retrieval and display.
The electronic pen lets you create vividly colored drawings
and illustrations that make lessons come alive.
With the elite Panaboard book's Attachment function you can
organize teaching materials and Website
addresses, making it easier to prepare lessons.
Using a PC with Internet access,
you can connect to the Internet
and display information to the classroom.
Teaching materials can be quickly produced
and stored on a PC and displayed in the classroom.