14 Bar code object
14.9 Set parameters for GS1 DataBar
In the “Object settings” tab, you can specify parameters for bar code type GS1 DataBar.
• To edit the parameters of the bar code object, select the object in the object list or in the
marking image editor.
The parameters are displayed in the category below the object list.
Under “Code”, specify any of the following parameters:
• “Module width [mm]”:
To specify the width of the narrowest element of the bar code, enter a numeric value in
the text box.
Specify a value larger than the line width under “Line width (calculation value) [mm]” in
the “Object group” settings.
• “Barcode height to module width ratio” (GS1 DataBar Limited, GS1 DataBar Limited CC-
Set the ratio of code height to module width.
• “Lower barcode height to module width ratio” (GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar
Stacked CC-A):
Set the ratio of lower code height to module width.
• “Separator height to module width ratio” (GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked
Set the ratio of separator height to module width. The separator is located between the
two rows of the bar code.
• “Total width [mm]”, “Total height [mm]”:
Displays the entire width and height of the bar code, including the guard pattern and quiet
Under “Module”, specify any of the following parameters:
• “Left guard width to module width ratio”/“Right guard width to module width ratio”:
Set the ratio of left guard or right guard width to module width.
According to the requirements defined in the ISO/IEC 24724:2011 standard, the ratio of
right guard width to module width should be more than 5.0.
The left and right guard pattern consists of a narrow space and a narrow bar. For bar
code type GS1 DataBar Limited the right guard pattern consists of a narrow space, a
narrow bar and a wide space.
The space elements of the left and right guard pattern blend into the background of the
bar code if the background is the same color as the spaces in the bar code (e.g. white). If
you invert the bar code, all spaces in the bar code including the space elements of the left
and right guard pattern are marked.
Under “Code settings (2D)”, specify any of the following parameters for the 2D part of
composite codes (GS1 DataBar Limited CC-A, GS1 DataBar Stacked CC-A):