Available commands are listed below.
G Generate an SSH server key.
Press "G" to generate an SSH server key.
H Configure the SSH access setting.
Press "H." The command prompt changes to "Enable or Disable SSH server (E/D)>."
Press "E" to enable the access. Press "D" to disable the access.
O Configure the idle timeout settings for automatically terminating an SSH-connected
session if no input is made.
Press "O." The command prompt changes to "Enter SSH UI idle timeout>." Enter a
value from 1 to 60 (minutes).
A Set the response time to SSH authentication.
Press "A." The command prompt changes to "Enter SSH authentication idle
timeout>." Enter a value from 1 to 120 (seconds).
R Set the number of retries for SSH authentication.
Press "R." The command prompt changes to "Enter SSH authentication retries time>."
Enter a value from 0 to 5 (times).
Q Return to the previous menu.