Chapter 3
Basic Operations — Projecting
Lens shift range
The projector can adjust the position of the projected image within the lens shift range for each projection lens
based on the position of the projected image in the home position (standard projection position).
Perform the lens shift adjustment within the range indicated in the following illustration. Note that moving the lens
outside the adjustment range may change the focus. This is because the shift of the lens is restricted to protect
the optical parts.
Following illustration indicates the lens shift range when the projector is installed on desk/floor.
Projection lens Model No.
ET-D75LE8, ET-D75LE10, ET-D75LE20,
ET-D75LE30, ET-D75LE40
Lens shift range
Projected image width H
Standard projection position
Projected image height V
0.29 H
0.29 H
0.15 V
0.15 V
0.59 V
0.59 V
Origin position of the lens
Projected image width H
Standard projection position
Projected image height V
0.19 H
0.19 H
0.24 V
0.24 V
0.56 V
0.56 V
Origin position of the lens
Projection lens Model No.
Lens shift range
Projected image width H
0.21 H
0.21 H
0.10 V
0.16 H
0.16 H
0.08 V
Projected image height V
0.74 V
0.05 V
Standard projection position
Origin position of the lens mounter
Projected image width H
Standard projection position
0.16 H
0.12 H
Projected image height V
0.10 V
0.74 V
Origin position of the lens mounter
Use the projection lens in the standard projection position without adjusting the lens shift when the optional Fixed-focus Lens (Model No.:
ET-D75LE50) is attached.