© Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2017
3-7 Override Function (For SF4B-□CA-J05 only)
● Incorrect using of the muting control may cause any accident. Please understand the muting
control fully, and use it. As for the muting control, the following international standards define the
ISO 13849-1 (EN ISO 13849-1 / JIS B 9705-1):
“Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for de-
sign, Article 5.2.5 Muting”
IEC 61496-1 (ANSI/UL 61496, JIS B 9704-1):
“Safety of machinery - Electro sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General requirements
and tests, Annex A, A.7 Muting”
IEC 60204-1 (JIS B 9960-1):
“Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements, 9.2.4
Overriding safeguards”
EN 415-4:
“Safety of packaging machines - Part 4: Palletizers and depalletizers, Annex A, A2.2 Muting”
ANSI B11.19-1990:
“for Machine Tools-Safeguarding When Referenced by the Other B11 Machine Tool Safety
Standards-Performance Criteria for the Design, Construction, Care, and Operation” 4.2.3 Pres
ence-Sensing Devices: Electro-Optical and Radio Frequency (R.F.)
ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999:
“For Industrial Robots and Robot Systems - Safety Requirements, 10.4.5 Muting”
● Use the muting control while the machine cycle is not in danger mode. Maintain safety with the
other measure while the muting control is activated.
For the application that the muting control is activated when a workpiece passes through the sensor,
place the muting sensor so that the conditions for the muting control cannot be satisfied by intrusion of
personnel when the workpiece is passing through the sensor or the workpiece is not passing through it.
Implement a risk assessment, and if a muting indicator is required, use it after checking the
standards and regulations in the country or region where the device is to be used.
● Be sure to check the operation of the muting function before its use.
● Make sure manually to operate system for starting override function. Furthermore, the system
shall be placed in area where all over the dangerous zone shall be comprehend and outside of
the dangerous zone.
Using override function, make sure that there exist no operator in the dangerous zone, which may
result in death or serious injury.
The override function forcibly turns the safety function into invalid. This function is used for the fol
lowing cases: when the customer who uses the muting function needs to start the device with the
control output (OSSD 1 / 2) be OFF status, when the device is required to continue operating even
though the muting sensor becomes valid after the muting sensor is turned ON at the starting of line.
The override function becomes valid when all the conditions listed below are satisfied:
● The signal shall be input to either muting input A or B, or to both of the inputs.
The override input shall be short-circuited to 0V or +V, and the emission halt input / reset in-
put shall be opened. (3 sec. continuously)
If one of the two conditions above becomes invalid or timing exceeds 60 sec. (Note 1), the over
ride function becomes invalid.
Notes: 1) By using the handy controller Ver. 2.1 (
) (optional), the timing can be changed in the range of
60 to 600 sec. in units of 10 sec.
2) The muting indicator diagnosis function can be set with the handy controller Ver. 2.1 (
) (optional),
but it must be set to invalid. If the muting indicator diagnosis function is set to valid, the muting function
cannot be used.
3) The override function operates only when the auto-reset is ON (the interlock is invalid).